
Creating sliders of any complexity

Welcome to the world of unmatched hero sections and sliders, crafted specifically for your WordPress site using the powerful Slider Revolution plugin.

What types of sliders I can make for you?

Let's transform your website into a visually dynamic and interactive experience - discover our range of slider services designed to meet your unique needs.

welcome section
hero slider
video slider
complex slider
🔥 storytelling
product slider
pure HTML

A carousel can be made of any content, be it video or images, or even a product gallery for example. This is one of the most effective ways of presenting information.

Welcome sliders or sections are the "ground zero" section of your homepage, and sometimes every page of your site. Why "zero"? Because once it's scrolled, it's removed so it doesn't interfere with the user experience, and only serves to advertise something new about your company.
The most popular type of slider. Hero Slider is usually the very first section of a landing page that talks with WOW effect about the product or service that the page will be about.
Video sliders are sliders that are built based on a video file. It creates several dozens of frames that switch as the site scrolls, which creates the effect of a controlled scrolling scenario.
Living Examples:
Complex sliders are sliders that are made of more than 50 layers. As a rule they are interactive and the work in them is meticulously done on the smallest details, such as animation timing, animation-timing-function curve editing, etc.
Living Examples:
3d imitation in 2d
Storytelling sliders are full-fledged websites with animations scripted to match the page scroll. So, as the site scrolls, you are shown a pre-prepared script.

A website based on Slider Revolution is freedom in animation, dynamics and interactivity. Using Slider Revolution, your website can transform into a visually captivating and fully interactive digital space, where every element is under your control. With Slider Revolution, you break free from traditional web design limitations, opening the door to unlimited creative possibilities for dynamic and engaging web pages.

Product Slider allows showcasing products in their best light, enhancing visual perception and boosting sales through dynamic and interactive presentations. Using Product Slider, you not only enhance the appeal of your catalog but also ensure easy navigation and accessibility of product information for all visitors to your site.

Living Examples:
Sneaker Woocommerce

Any of the sliders I have created can be exported as pure HTML. For developers, it can help optimise a site by giving full control over the code. Without the need to install and enable a plugin. 

Quick request

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Describe in detail what you wanted to see on your future slider.

My personal library of ready-made templates

You can choose any template from this library for free and ask me to import it to your site.

Feel free to get in touch.

Direct communication

Any questions? Feel free to get in touch about creating a slider.
Even if you don't have an idea.

⚡ text meor fill in the contact form at the bottom of this page
Hi 👋🏻 I'm Azamat
UI-coder, Front-end developer and Top Rated Plus Freelancer on UpWork.

I got into creating sliders on Slider Revolution back in 2015. Since then it has been my favourite hobby. Since its sixth version, I started doing it on a professional level and created and adapted more than 3000 sliders.


Why Choose My Slider Creation Services?

I am an individual entrepreneur, not a large web or design studio. Therefore, my approach is not formulaic and is individual for each project.
I also aim for long-term relationships.

Instant direct communication

If you message me on Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp or Telegram - I will reply you within 1-5 minute.


In addition to work, I have a small hobby: I love working on animation not in #aftereffects (which is a pity), but directly in the web on the frontend (#jquery + CSS etc). This hobby develops one of my professional skills in interface #microanimation , which in turn is gaining new popularity with the emergence of #AR interfaces. I just want to say that sometimes I'm amazed at the modern pace of technological development, where yesterday's hobby can turn into your paid job. Oh, and of course, this animation is inspired by this incredible website @sliderrevolution @welovewebdesign
and for sure my last job in web development with a motion design bias #motiondesign #webdev
A couple of years ago I tested myself in Motion Design
20ый год был богат на моушн-дизайн #vector #motiondesign #vectorart
A couple of years ago I tested myself in Motion Design
Pure #CSS and #HTML animation for the Australian market leader in biometric security.
$50k за два года это определенно рубеж. И это не только деньги, но и огромный опыт работы.
Наконец-то опубликовал свой первый digital товар, и уже куча положительных о́тзывов. Так что поддержите рублём и вы, приобрести можно по ссылке в профиле!⠀ ⠀ В дальнейшем буду делать больше товаров с уклоном на повторное использование элементов, эдакая библиотека UI элементов. #interactiondesign #webdesign #uidesign #uikit #ux #prototype #adobexd
Одна из самых моих любимых работ. Глубоко проработанный интерфейс и взаимодействие. Строился для одного из топовых агентов по недвижимости. Чистый шаблон HTML скоро выложу бесплатно.⠀ ⠀ One of my favorite works. Deeply developed interface and interaction. Built for one of the top real estate agents. Pure HTML template will be out soon for free.⠀ ⠀ #UXdesign #RealEstate
This was one of my first UX design projects. I managed on, as my client said 200%. Now we continue to work with him on a regular basis.⠀ ⠀ Это был один из первых моих проектов по UX проектированию. Я справился на, как говорил мой клиент на 200%. Сейчас мы продолжаем с ним работать на постоянной основе. ⠀ ⠀ #LMS #LearningPlatform #Upwork #freelance
Одна из так себе работ. Очень много дешёвой графики, но мне очень нравится как я справился с интерактивной анимацией. @sliderrevolution #interactiveanimation
Слайдер для онлайн шопа вечерних платьев ручного пашива. Для элит класса. ⠀ ⠀ #slider #adobexd #latenight #dresses

100% positive feedback

Reviews from Upwork. I've been freelancing on Upwork since 2017 and have since built a successful career there and received hundreds of positive reviews. I got Top Rated Plus status, only 3% of freelancers have such a status.
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My Process:
From Concept to Launch

1. Design agreements

Creation of an optimal template and its approval

2. Payment, 30%

First payment after you approve the template

3. Slider layout + Client edits

Desktop slider layout + up to five edits from the client

4. Payment, 50%

Slider's ready

5. Adaptation + optimisation

Adapting the slider for most devices and optimising it for fast loading times

6. Payment, last 20%

The slider is complete and working on your site

Our workflow is designed for ease of control over the outcomes, ensuring you pay only for the results you receive. This approach not only optimizes efficiency but also aligns with best SEO practices to maximize your site's performance.

Take a short quiz and find out the cost of your project

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Step 1 of 5

Save your money (optional)

You can choose a ready-made slider from my private library and paste its ID here. This way we can reduce the work time and save your money.

Slider ID from library
Which slider you want for your website

Transform Your WordPress Site with Custom Hero Sliders by a Slider Revolution Expert

Welcome to the world of unmatched hero sections and sliders, crafted specifically for your WordPress site using the powerful Slider Revolution plugin. Our slider creation service offers you more than just visual effects; it provides a complete immersion into your brand, products, and services from the first second visitors land on your site.

Why Choose Us for Your Hero Slider Creation?

  • Slider Revolution Mastery: We don’t just use Slider Revolution; we excel at it. Our sliders are a blend of innovation and creativity, setting your site apart from the competition.
  • Stunning Visual Effects: From dynamic hero sections to engaging welcome sections, we create sliders that are not only visually appealing but also functional, enhancing user experience and interaction with your site’s content.
  • Seamless WordPress Integration: Our sliders integrate flawlessly with your WordPress site, ensuring smooth operation and quick load times.
  • SEO Optimized: Each slider is optimized for search engines. We strategically use keywords such as "hero section website," "slider revolution WordPress," and "WordPress hero slider" to increase your site’s visibility and attract more targeted traffic.

How We Work:

  1. Analysis and Consultation: We start with analyzing your site and needs to offer the best solution for your business.
  2. Custom Design: Every slider is custom-designed to align with your brand and goals.
  3. Technical Implementation: We ensure a technically flawless integration with your WordPress site, guaranteeing high performance and security.
  4. Optimization and Launch: Before launching, we test and optimize the sliders for optimal performance and SEO.

Ready to see how your site can transform? Contact us today to start creating your perfect hero slider with Slider Revolution.

Unleashing Creativity with Premium Slider Design

Welcome to the realm of creative digital presentation, where the first impression of your website can make a significant impact. At, we specialize in crafting premium sliders that captivate and engage your audience from the very first glance. Inspired by the cutting-edge designs showcased at Slider Revolution, we take this innovative spirit and blend it with our unique flair to deliver custom slider solutions that are as effective as they are visually stunning.

The art of creating the perfect slider is akin to painting a masterpiece. Each element is meticulously chosen, each transition is seamlessly woven, and the narrative flow is crafted to guide your visitors through a visual journey. Whether you're showcasing the latest product, highlighting your portfolio, or setting the scene for your digital space, our sliders are the gateway to an elevated user experience.

Tailoring the Experience: Sliders that Speak Volumes

Imagine a slider that not only displays images but tells a story. At, that's precisely what we create. We believe that a well-designed slider can be a powerful communication tool that conveys your message with clarity and impact. With a deep understanding of Slider Revolution's capabilities and a keen eye for design trends, we craft sliders that are not just decorative elements but strategic assets to your online presence.

Our services cater to a diverse range of needs, from simple yet elegant hero sections to complex, animated sequences that showcase your content in motion. We understand that every brand is different, and our approach is always personalized. Our design process begins with listening—understanding your brand, your vision, and your goals. Then, we translate this insight into a slider design that aligns with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.


Let's Connect
Feel free to reach out for collaborations or just a friendly hello 😀
[email protected]
Last updated Jul 2024